Wèn chuān dà dì zhèn
the Wenchuan great earthquake of May 2008
Táng shān dà dì zhèn
the great Tangshan earthquake of 27th July 1976 that killed more than 650,000 people
Sì chuān dà dì zhèn
Sichuan great earthquake
the magnitude 8 earthquake of May 2008 at Wenchuan 汶川, Sichuan, that killed more than 80,000 people
Dà dì zhī gē
Song of the Earth
Das Lied von der Erde
Dōng Fēi dà dì qiàn
Great East African rift valley
Shǎn xī dà dì zhèn
the great Shaanxi earthquake of 2nd February 1556 that killed 830,000 people
Táng shān Dà dì zhèn
Great Tangshan Earthquake (1976)
Sì chuān Dà dì zhèn
Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008)
Wèn chuān Dà dì zhèn
Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008)